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Experimentattion art process 

in BOTH cuts and excuses we have made experimentation process with Alejandra and Felipe, this experimentation process I consider have the principal objective to open our minds and think about another type of art .


This were the new forms of painting excuse experimentation , we used different technique , the first one and for me the coolest was the oil paint and water because it makes a really nice effect , we also tried painting objects with spray and living the silute which made a really nice effect and finally a technique are you paint one side of a paper and it paint both

all of the images show the different techniques .


By the other way on the second excuse I wasn't able to assist to the first experimentation class, nevertheless less on the second we build a ready made made of objets found on the class room my ready made was a critique of the use of the electric wastes and we bond a lot of electronic damaged things on our project and it actually was pretty nice.

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IMG_3135 2.JPG

on the two images at the left was the experimentation with aleja were we paint different things following different patterns, on the first image we paint a espiral with a special pencil and on the second using all our body we tried to paint really straight lines I obviously failllll.....


Among this year we had work on different experimentattion process  

we went to banco de la Republica museum 

we made a photography capacitation 

we made a wallet experimentation with objects and we tag them 

then we made a black out poem and a I remember experiment with a object with brings memories 

we made 1  minute sculptures and a space experimentation 

photography capacitation 

on this experimentation we received a capacitation on how to take photos using light and elements we have . actually I learn a lot about camera functions of my cell phone and about the correct positions for taking pictures and make good pictures for our portfolio 

these are 2 examples of pictures using plane background colors 

wallet experimentattion - tags 

on this experimentation we had to " throw " all the things we had on our wallets , and choose 1 the one we consider most important , as well we had to create some tags and characterize them as non important or important objects , this was following a poem that Alejandra showed us , then we had to think on the memory each object brought us 

5 objects tags 

on this experimentation we choose 5 tags 

for the objects we choose , and we decided to characterize them , on my case I decided to tag 

using 5 categories (memory childhood ) , ( family ) ( friends ) ( story ) ( non important )

Black out poem 

on this experimentation we receive a random page and we started to black some parts and in this way create something source of a poem in my case a recived a Juan Antonio casas astrolabio article 

Drawing , found image 

on this experimentation we need to draw the silute of our object drawing everything except the inside of the object

I remember story 

this was the best experimentation for me in here we need to write in 3 minutes all the memories the object bring as and at the beginning it was difficult but then I couldn't stop 

1 minute sculptures 

on this experimentation we need to create with random objects a sculpture using space and installations 


on this experimentation as well we need to chose random objects from Felipes class room and decide a place , over there we need to make a installation and embrace the discomfort 

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