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Humberto Junca Damn Right, Norwegian wood ( Serie ) 2012- 2013 

this piece has a relation with my second product because a pretty simple but important reason which is the lost of function because as my sports elements lose their mainly and important function this desk also because a desk is a place to write and to see not a place to draw, the place to dry is a canvas .

Vik Muniz 

Santa Ludovicia Bernini ( de la serie imágenes de chocolate ) 1997

this piece has a really Big connection withy first project , striating that I use Vik Muniz as my technique reference, but the biggest connection is the use of non conventional materials because on this paint Vick Muniz used chocolate which is not a conventional material as well as hot sauce which is not a conventional materials , and on both pieces the final result is pretty good.

( image choose for the critique ) down 


Feliza Bursztyn Serie Color 1981 

This piece has a  connection with my second project because both are ready mades bacanes on both there are bonded thing which are already created on this case Feliza bonded a car door with a yellow metal structure and I for example bond a basketball ball with spikes and the final result is nice .

Museum Critique 

The museum visit was a pretty nice visit  and for me really product visit were I was able to learn about new artists with really nice projects which I never heard before such as Luz Angela Lizaro and the project Orinitografias de la serie nuevos cantos y ondas de viento , which I sincerlly never had seen one project with the amount of frames or little projects on the same piece, as well I really enjoy watching Vick Muniz Chocolate piece , because since the  begging of the term I really liked Vick Muniz because of the use of  the use of non conventional materials such as the chocolate and as I already mentioned it has a big relattion with my first excuse project . I consider as well really valuable the experience of learning a different type of art In other spaces different from the school and from the class room and I consider that the behavior in general terms was really good .


Now entering more on detail about the piece that I choose ( Vik Muniz , Santa Ludovica según Bernini , De la serie imágenes de chocolate ).I consider it is a pretty nice piece because of many reasons but the one that I consider more pertinent are , because of the use of non conventional materials such as chocolate and becuause of the action painting which means  the process of painting with chocolate is a really nice process; and obviously Vick Muniz is a marvelous artist with a lot of good products; on the piece we can see principally 2 colors brown because of the chocolate color, and white which are the left white spaces, the object which is been painted Is not really clear for me. never the less I can infer it is maybe a women painted , the materials and the technique are really simple to infer materials chocolate and the technique is using non conventional materials . the things that I will modify is making more clear the object which is been painted and with that way add more symbols and articulated concepts , I will also make a better presentation of the project or of the piece in order to make able to the watcher smell or identify the chocolate which is the principal material. but on pretty general terms I  really liked the piece and  will totally recomended. 


This year we went to Banco de la Republica museum as well and never the less most of the places were closed I could see some references that would help me for my final project here are some pictures of the museum 

these were some pieces that I found interesting , never the less I decided to use 2 of this for my project but all of these were help full in some point for my final project  plan 

Bernardo salcedo- primera lección , this was my body and space reference and my 2nd conceptual reference , it was exposed and I saw it I found really interesting the way that he shows his work , it is pretty simple but with a clearly specific critique to Colombian society 

Oscar Muñoz - protografias imaginadas , sincerlly i was on a big problem on choosing one piece between the above piece and the one of Muñoz because both will fit fo my final  project, but I choose Muñoz for the intervention he mades on news paper and the use of this as a " archive " object , this piece was difficult for me to understand it but it was really amazing 

Antonio caro - Colombia ( todo esta muy caro ) this piece is really interesting because of the simplicity of it but the behind concept is amazing .

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